The 80:20 Rule

Apple Dragon
3 min readNov 11, 2020

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” — Abraham Lincoln

According to Abraham Lincoln‘s quote, the sharpening ratio is more like 60:40, but we get the basic idea. The modern developer culture can be riddled with learn only what you need in the moment that you need it, then move on. Will our application continue to work if we add one more feature, or is held together by a band-aide as we threw spaghetti at the wall to get it done e.g., lacking foundational support?

As I watch courageous beginners diving in head first at our ACI/GameDev HQ Game Developer Internship, I am reminded about how invaluable this opportunity to dedicate time to “stand [learn] on the shoulders giants” and of each other really is. It cannot be overstated that everyone here is getting paid for this opportunity, as well as create what will undoubtedly be lasting professional and personal relationships. On a small island, especially, relationships can make or break you as in many locations and situations…but, faster.

Whether this opportunity to dedicate learning time to hone one’s skills has been granted to a beginner new to programming, a college graduate, or seasoned non-game-developer — this program is cultivating the necessary foundational skills with best practice, the secret sauce to equip these future developers to on the challenges ahead, in a more successful and sustainable way.

Do you want to spend double or triple the time hacking away learning on the job, where every feature is a monumental climb, getting in under the wire and never really know why something worked out in the end, only to jump into the next assignment to do it all over again? There are many who thrive on the excitement and adrenaline of this lifestyle. After several years of this, wisdom and maturity has built up, and perhaps with a few holes here and there, yet to be filled to connect the seemingly random pockets of knowledge that have been hard earned.

The best practice approach has been invaluable in this situation. Due to the limited time on this internship, the theory and explanation behind what much of what is being presented aren’t always explained, but if followed and practiced places everyone here at an advantage in the wild world outside, regardless of previous experience. Soon enough, they will come to question the greater meaning and reasoning behind why what they were advised to do works. Perhaps that moment will be driven by a requirement to resolve a tough problem on a future project.

Due to the wide net casted for all skill level in this program, those who arrived with a sharper axe — the knowledge and background to usher in a smoother experience based on a more solid foundation in education or a seasoned career, have the advantage of college degrees in computer science or engineering, or are seasoned professionals. From what I have observed, their sharpened axe is like an empty cupcake tray. The foundations are there, and they are filling up those cavities readily and their grasp of this material is quicker and and an overall smooth experience. There is less uncertainty and a kind of assurance about what is possible, and how to recover from the daily pitfalls that present themselves.

It has been amazing to witness these successes simultaneously, in he power of extremely diverse team members and accelerated learning by teaching, even in myself. The team lead load has not let up (I have enjoy every one of my team mates and am inspired by them every day) and most days are simply overwhelming with tasks from the increasing responsibilities to accommodate the rapid growth of this program. So being behind in the course work, but still able to assist others who are sections ahead to overcome their challenges and roadblocks is a testament to the value of previously established foundations when embarking on another, albeit very different, flavor of software development.

The miracle of preparation and preparation in the making, a.k.a, sharpened axe sharpening other axes is alive and well and this program serves as an exemplary proving ground of this practice.

